Mission Statement
Paddle with a Purpose, Workout Like a Woman, and Empower Yourself!
Hope Chest is a positive, healthy support group for Breast Cancer survivors. We offer a unique paddling and health and fitness program for breast cancer survivors of all ages and fitness levels. Our purpose is to inspire breast cancer survivors in any stage of treatment or recovery to lead active and fulfilling lives. Hope Chest's program promotes physical and emotional healing.
The History of Hope Chest
Hope Chest was created through a friendship and a shared interest in exercise. The founder, Laurie Hyzy and her close friend, Nina Sacco aspired to become personal trainers. Despite a diagnosis of breast cancer, Nina continued to exercise whenever possible and was determined to make a difference in the lives of breast cancer survivors. Together they created a wellness program called Hope Chest, which began in January 2000.
Shortly after the program inception, research conducted by Dr. Don McKenzie of Vancouver, British Columbia inspired the unique program that is offered by Hope Chest. Dr. McKenzie dispelled the myth that breast cancer survivors should refrain from repetitive upper body exercises to prevent lymphedema - a permanent and sometimes incapacitating swelling of the arm and chest area that sometimes occurs after breast cancer surgery and treatment. His research found that specific upper body movements could actually reduce the occurrence of lymphedema.
Dragon boat racing is especially effective in working the muscle groups that benefit breast cancer survivors.
This research enabled Dr. McKenzie to form the first "all breast cancer survivors" dragon boat team (Abreast-In-A-Boat).
Sadly, Nina lost her eight-year battle in May 2000, only a few months before the Hope Chest Team competed in their first race. Nina's dream of encouraging breast cancer survivors to live unrestricted, active lifestyles lives on. Her spirit and influence are reflected in the name Luminina which means "Light of Nina".
Hope Chest continues to honor Nina's memory with our boats named Nina's Hope and Nina's Dream. Also, at the annual Dragon Boat Festival our team names are Nina's Hope, Nina's Dream, Nina's Vision and Laurie’s Gift.
The Dragons will be
at Buffalo Riverworks
Buffalo Niagara Dragon Boat Festival
Saturday, June 14, 2025

Dragon Boat Festival Quick Links